Thanksgiving Day 2024 is 3 months, 3 weeks, 4 days ago Request a Meal
Thanksgiving Day 2024 is 3 months, 3 weeks, 4 days ago Request a Meal


Each year we have multiple events throughout the year that you, friends, and family can participate in. This page is dedicated to keeping you up-to-date with what we are doing in your great city.

Volunteer Orientations
Each year in-person and/or virtual meetings will be set up to teach new volunteers how Operation Turkey works and give them a chance to talk with their city & site leaders. Make sure you have joined our volunteer network so you will receive an email with orientation details. Virtual meetings will be recorded. 

Turkey Tailgate
The Turkey Tailgate takes place the day before Thanksgiving. This is a necessary preparation day where volunteers come together to cook turkeys, sort toiletry & clothing donations, gather any last minute supplies, and get everything ready for an early start the next day. For the Turkey Tailgate our biggest needs are smokers and Pitmasters to help us get all the turkeys cooked. Learn More

Thanksgiving Morning
This is our main event where we build the meals and deliver them out to the community. Volunteers of all ages come together at a location and step into various roles including setup, cooking, plating, packaging, delivering, and more. Learn More

Fayetteville Events

The list below includes all currently scheduled events for Fayetteville.

No events have been scheduled yet. Please check back in a few weeks for an updated calendar of events for this location.

Fayetteville Leaders

Venassia Gunter

State Leader

Fayetteville Sponsors

Thank you to our generous Fayetteville sponsors!

Our National Sponsors
Our National Sponsors