Thanksgiving Day 2025 is in 8 months, 0 weeks, 1 day Request a Meal
Thanksgiving Day 2025 is in 8 months, 0 weeks, 1 day Request a Meal

About Operation Turkey

Over the last 24 years Operation Turkey has remained a 100% volunteer organization without a single paid employee. We are more than 50,000 volunteers strong working together to ensure everyone receives a warm meal on Thanksgiving Day.

No matter where you are Thanksgiving Day, you can participate with Operation Turkey. Once you do it, please tell others about it, and together we will eradicate hunger one meal, one day, at a time.

Where it all began

Our Story

Our history dates back to the year 2000 when Richard Bagdonas had just finished his own Thanksgiving dinner with friends. Full from his delicious meal, he did what many of us do, plate the leftovers. While driving home, he decided that the extra food could benefit someone more…

“That Thanksgiving, I drove downtown to 6th Street on my way home and handed out a plate of food to a homeless man in a wheelchair. He couldn’t thank me because he was mentally challenged, but the homeless guy next to him said ‘thank you’ and helped feed the meal to the man. Afterwards I sat in my car and cried, and I knew I wanted to do something about it.”

In 2010, Richard made the decision to hand over the organization to a new leader, Brian Tolbert. Brian immediately realized the potential of the grass roots organization and wanted to share it with other cities. In 2011, Operation Turkey opened its first new location in San Marcos, Texas and each year more cities and states joined. In 2019, the organization delivered more than 62,000 meals in 22 cities and 7 states with more than 35,000 volunteers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we operated in a limited capacity and successfully delivered more than 75,000 meals in 2020 and 2021.

In 2022, we got back to normal operations and delivered more than 50,000 meals. Join us in 2023 as we continue getting back on track to deliver more meals to the homeless and less fortunate.

Our Timeline

From the year 2000 until now, see what all Operation Turkey has accomplished.


Operation Turkey’s set a goal of 65,000 meals and successfully delivered 62,000.

  • Set goal of 65,000 meals
  • Successfully delivered 62,000 meals


Operation Turkey set a goal of 55,000 meals and successfully delivered over 50,000 meals in North Carolina, Pennsylvania (Tri-State Area), and Texas.

  • Set goal of 55,000 meals
  • Successfully delivered over 50,000 meals
  • North Carolina, Pennsylvania (Tri-State Area), and Texas


Operation Turkey set a goal of 35,000 meals and successfully provided more than 33,000 meals in Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida in a reduced capacity due to COVID-19.

  • Set goal of 35,000 meals
  • Successfully delivered over 33,000 meals
  • Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida
  • Reduced capacity due to COVID-19


Operation Turkey set a goal of 75,000 meals and successfully provided more than 33,000 meals in Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida in a reduced capacity due to COVID-19.

  • Set goal of 75,000 meals
  • Successfully delivered over 33,000 meals
  • Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida
  • Reduced capacity due to COVID-19


Operation Turkey set a goal of 75,000 meals and successfully delivered 62,500. Special thanks to our sponsors: P.F. Chang’s, Swift’s Attic, and The Salvation Army for their in-kind donations; and all the community initiated fundraisers that helped us provide 62,500 meals for delivery to those in need. Operation Turkey opened locations in 4 new cities and delivered meals to many more. Operations continued in Albuquerque, NM; Austin, TX; Cedar Park, TX; Colorado Springs, CO; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Fayetteville, NC; Houston, TX; Lubbock, TX; Lumberton, NC; Round Rock, TX; San Antonio, TX; San Marcos, TX; and 29 unofficial locations throughout the country.

  • Set goal of 75,000 meals
  • Successfully delivered over 62,500 meals
  • 4 new locations


Operation Turkey set a goal of 75,000 meals and successfully delivered 60,000. Special thanks to our sponsors: P.F. Chang’s, Swift’s Attic, and The Salvation Army for their in-kind donations; and all the community initiated fundraisers that helped us provide 60,000 meals for delivery to those in need. Operation Turkey opened locations in 8 new cities last year; which includes operations in 3 new states. Several new/potential cities partnered with existing locations to learn how we operate, with the goal of opening new locations in 2019. Operations continued in Albuquerque, NM; Austin, TX; Cedar Park, TX; Colorado Springs, CO; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Fayetteville, NC; Houston, TX; Lubbock, TX; Lumberton, NC; Round Rock, TX; San Antonio, TX; San Marcos, TX; and 29 unofficial locations throughout the country.

  • Set goal of 75,000 meals; delivered 60,000
  • Chipotle “Cause an Effect” fundraising campaign
  • 8 new locations


Operation Turkey’s goal was 50,000 meals and successfully delivered. Special thanks to Chipotle and their “Cause an Effect” fundraising campaign, Swift’s Attic and their in-kind donations for fundraising dinners, and all the community initiated fundraisers that helped us accomplish our fundraising goals. Operation Turkey opened new locations in Cedar Park, TX and Denver, CO. Several new/potential cities partnered with existing locations to learn how we operate, with the goal of opening new locations in 2018. Operations continued in Albuquerque, NM; Austin,TX; Colorado Springs, CO; Columbus, GA; Dallas, TX; Fayetteville, NC; Houston, TX; Lubbock, TX; Lumberton, NC; Round Rock, TX; San Antonio, TX; San Marcos, TX; Virginia Beach, VA; and 29 unofficial locations throughout the country.

  • Set goal of 50,000 meals
  • Chipotle “Cause an Effect” fundraising campaign
  • New locations: Cedar Park, TX and Denver, CO
  • Toyota donated vehicles for meal deliveries


Operation Turkey set a goal of 40,000 meals and successfully delivered. To accomplish this goal, we held several fundraisers: 3rd Annual Turkey Hugs, 3rd Annual Alaskan Seafood Dinner at Swift’s Attic, 1st Annual Wild Game Dinner at Chicon, and even more fundraisers our friends and family in the community initiated. Toyota donated vehicles to the leaders of Operation Turkey Dallas to help deliver meals in their community. Operation Turkey opened new locations in Albuquerque, NM; Lumberton, NC; and Round Rock, TX. We continued operations in Austin,TX; Colorado Springs, CO; Columbus, GA; Dallas, TX; Fayetteville, NC; Houston, TX; Lubbock, TX; San Antonio, TX; San Marcos, TX; Virginia Beach, VA; and 32 unofficial locations throughout the country.

  • Set goal of 40,000 meals
  • 3rd Annual Turkey Hugs, 3rd Annual Alaskan Seafood Dinner at Swift’s Attic, 1st Annual Wild Game Dinner at Chicon
  • New locations: Albuquerque, NM; Lumberton, NC; and Round Rock, TX
  • Toyota donated vehicles for meal deliveries


Operation Turkey set a goal of 30,000 meals and successfully delivered. To accomplish this goal we held several fundraisers: 5th Annual US. Foods Charity Golf Tournament, 2nd Annual Turkey Hugs, 2nd Annual Alaskan Seafood Dinner at Swift’s Attic, and even more fundraisers our friends and family in the community initiated. Toyota donated vehicles to the leaders of Operation Turkey Dallas and Houston to help deliver meals in their community. Operation Turkey opened new locations in Columbus, GA; Fayetteville, NC; Lubbock, TX; San Antonio, TX; and Virginia Beach, VA. We continued operations in Austin, TX; Colorado Springs, CO; Dallas, TX; Houston, TX; San Marcos, TX; and 30 unofficial locations throughout the country.

  • Set goal of 30,000 meals
  • 5th Annual US. Foods Charity Golf Tournament, 2nd Annual Turkey Hugs, 2nd Annual Alaskan Seafood Dinner at Swift’s Attic
  • New locations: Columbus, GA; Fayetteville, NC; Lubbock, TX; San Antonio, TX; and Virginia Beach, VA
  • Toyota donated vehicles for meal deliveries


Operation Turkey set a goal of 17,000 meals. To accomplish this goal we held our 4th Annual US Foods Golf Tournament in Austin, TX; 1st Annual Turkey Hugs; 1st Annual Alaskan Seafood fundraising dinner at Swift’s Attic; and a host of other fundraisers initiated by friends and family in the community. We successfully opened our first out of state location in Colorado Springs, CO. We continued operations in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Marcos, TX, and 30 unofficial locations throughout the country.

  • Set goal of 17,000 meals
  • New Location: Colorado Springs, CO
  • 4th Annual US Foods Golf Tournament, 1st Annual Turkey Hugs, 1st Annual Alaskan Seafood fundraising dinner at Swift's Attic


Operation Turkey’s goal rose to 12,000 meals. The 3rd Annual Golf Tournament in Austin, TX was an even bigger success this year. US. Foods donated more than 300 turkeys this year and provided outstanding service getting us up and running in new and existing cities. Houston, Texas became the newest official Operation Turkey location. We had another successful year in Austin, Dallas, and San Marcos, TX. 30 unofficial cities continued their mission to feed people within their communities.

  • Set goal of 12,000 meals
  • US. Foods donated more than 300 turkeys
  • New Location: Houston, TX
  • 3rd Annual Golf Tournament in Austin, TX


Operation Turkey set a goal of 7,000 meals. We held our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament in Austin, TX and San Marcos held its first. US. Foods became the official sponsor of both events. P.F. Chang’s became an official sponsor of Operation Turkey allowing us to operate in any city we have operations. The Atlantic Housing Foundation joined Operation Turkey in Dallas, Texas and successfully delivered 1,000 meals their first year. Austin, TX served 5,000 meals to those in need and San Marcos, TX doubled their number of meals to 1,000. 30 unofficial cities continued their mission to feed people within their communities.

  • Set goal of 7,000 meals
  • Delivered 5,000 meals in Austin; 1,000 meals each in San Marcos and Dallas
  • New Location: Dallas, TX
  • 2nd Annual Golf Tournament in Austin and the first in San Marcos


Operation Turkey continued under new leadership of Brian Tolbert and a Board of Advisors was created. San Marcos, Texas became the first official Operation Turkey location successfully launched under new leadership. We held our First Charity Golf Tournament which helped raise funds for meals. More than 2,300 volunteers came out Thanksgiving Day to distribute over 4,200 meals and toiletries in Austin and 500 in San Marcos. We had volunteers in more than 30 unofficial cities feeding people within their community.

  • Held goal of 4,000 meals
  • Distributed over 4,200 meals and toiletries in Austin; 500 meals in San Marcos
  • Two official locations in Texas: Austin and San Marcos
  • 1st Charity Golf Tournament fundraiser


This year's goal was again 4,000 and a new Executive Director, Brian Tolbert, was announced. The 4th Annual Austin Yam Jam was held at Threadgill’s with an auction of autographed guitars by artists including Willie Nelson to help raise funds. More than 2,000 volunteers come out on Thanksgiving Day to provide 4,000 meals in Austin, TX. We added to our domain name list because we are dedicated to feeding 4,000 people in Austin each year. Folks in more than 30 unofficial cities were feeding people in their own communities.

  • Set goal of 4,000 meals
  • Austin, Texas (2 locations) + over 30 cities operated unofficially
  • 4th Annual Austin Yam JamHosted by Threadgill’s
  • More than 2,000 volunteers
  • Brian Tolbert became new Executive Director


Our goal this year was to feed 4,000 people in Austin, TX. The 3rd Annual Austin Yam Jam was a tribute to the late, great Stephen Bruton. Alejandro Escovedo, Bob Schneider, David Grissom, Malford Milligan, Vitera, Boca Abajo, Kalua played the event and helped raise enough funds to cover the cost of food. Groups in 29 other cities operated as Operation Turkey delivering meals.

  • Set goal of 4,000 meals
  • Austin, TX (2 locations) + over 29 cities operated unofficially
  • 3rd Annual Austin Yam JamTribute to Stephen Bruton; Featured artists Alejandro Escovedo, Bob Schneider, David Grissom, Malford Milligan, Vitera, Boca Abajo, and Kalua


Our goal for the number of meals served in Austin, TX rose to 3,500. The 2nd Annual Austin Yam Jam included artists porterdavis, Guy Forsyth, Carolyn Wonderland, and Mingo Fishtrap. Horizon Bank donated 100 smoked turkeys in 2008 and we created the Turkey Tailgate to celebrate the donation. Employer Solutions Group, Austin Office Space, Dizzy Tee Designs, and J. Walton Media sponsored the event. Savvy Vodka, Red Bull, and Miller Litegraciously provided free drinks. More than 3,000 pounds of clothing was donated and enough funds were raised to buy food for all meals. Over 1,700 people registered as volunteers for Thanksgiving Day (spread between the two locations in Austin). 25 unofficial cities operated their own Operation Turkey.

  • Set goal of 3,500 meals
  • Delivered 3,500 meals and over 3,000 pounds of donated clothing
  • Austin, TX (2 locations) + over 25 cities operated unofficially
  • Over 1,700 volunteers registered
  • 2nd Annual Austin Yam Jam
  • Turkey Tailgate was born


Our goal was to feed between 2,000-3,000 people in Austin, so we held two music fundraising events, Keep Austin Fed Music Fest and Austin Yam Jam. Washington Mutual (WAMU) donated 250 backpacks and water bottles for kids, Fusion Learning Systems filled those backpacks with toiletries. Enough money was raised to buy food for 3,000 people. 600 volunteers showed up Thanksgiving Day and hand delivered meals to those in need. We had groups in 20 other unofficial cities delivering meals. (Unofficial cities typically deliver less than 500 meals).

  • Set goal to feed between 2,000-3,000 people
  • Raised enough money for 3,000 meals
  • 600 volunteers arrived to hand out meals
  • Austin, TX + 20 other cities unofficially operated
  • Keep Austin Fed Music Fest hosted by Bikinis Sports Bar & Grill
  • 1st Annual Austin Yam Jam


More than 500 people benefited from Operation Turkey this year. Thanks to the fine folks at KUT, our first volunteer drive brought in over 250 requests to volunteer. Several churches and companies join Operation Turkey in 2006: Fusion Learning Systems, Remote Operations, The Accounting Group, Young Hispanic Professional Austin Association, and the Parmer Oaks Dental Care.

  • Meals and supplies delivered to over 500 people
  • Austin, TX
  • First volunteer drive
  • First sponsors involved


Thanks to the support of friends and family, they handed out 75 dinners and clothed over 105 people.

  • 75 meals delivered and over 105 people clothed
  • Austin, TX


Keeping up with tradition, more friends joined and they doubled the number of meals, handing out 16 dinners and an equal number of coats and blankets.

  • Delivered 16 meals, 16 coats, and 16 blankets
  • Austin, TX


More friends joined this year and they handed out 8 dinners and all of the coats and blankets they could find. They started calling the event Operation Turkey.

  • Handed out 8 meals and many coats and blankets
  • Austin, TX
  • Operation Turkey was named


This year some friends joined Richard Bagdonas to hand out 4 dinners, 2 coats, and a blanket.

  • 4 meals, 2 coats, and one blanket delivered
  • Austin, TX


Richard Bagdonas doubled the number of meals from the previous year and handed out 2 meals.

  • Two meals delivered
  • Austin, TX


Richard Bagdonas handed out one meal in Austin, TX to a homeless gentleman in a wheelchair on 6th Street.

  • It all started with one meal
  • Austin, TX
Our National Sponsors
Our National Sponsors